Downloads (windows)

Building from source

First you'll need the source code:
You can download the newest source code from our Github:
git clone https://github.com/zuzuf/TA3D ta3d
you can also access it through a web interface:

Last stable release: (for newer versions, see our Github repository)
TA3D 0.5.1
Previous releases are available in the Linux section

In order to build TA3D you need :
  • the GNU compiler mingw32/64 with C++ support
  • the SDL 1.2 library with SDL_image, SDL_mixer and SDL_net
  • the GLEW library
  • zlib
  • up to version 0.3.0, AllegroMP3 (for ingame music)
  • for version 0.3.1 and above, FMOD

  • You will also need *.hpi and/or *.ufo files which contain units and maps (from the original game, the demo or a mod, but you can find maps on fans websites).

    You can reuse the *.hpi files from the original game by using the ta3d (hpiview for old versions) executable after compilation.
    Use the command:
    ta3d path_to_totala3.hpi extract "install/totala1.hpi"
    The totala2.hpi file can be copied directly from CDrom.
               You can also extract these files from the CD with the installer: install.bat will extract everything for you

    NB: TA3D is developed on Linux 64bits with a GeForce, then it's optimized for this hardware.
    Here's some tests with release 0.1.2/0.2.0:
    Frame rate is given whith TA3D running with less than 10 units
  • Athlon 1.26 GHz, GeForce 2 MX ~120fps (linux) (with shadows ~95fps)
  • Athlon 1.26 GHz, GeForce 4 Ti 4200 ~140fps (linux) (with shadows ~120fps)
  • Athlon XP 2400+, GeForce 4 Ti 4200 ~200fps (linux) (with shadows ~170fps)
  • Athlon XP 2600+, Ati Radeon 9800Pro ~230fps (linux) (tested with v0.2.1)
  • Pentium 4 3GHz, GeForce FX 5900 Ultra ~300fps (linux)
  • Athlon 64 3400+, GeForce Go 5700 ~450/250fps (linux/windows) (with shadows ~380fps)
  • Athlon 64 3800+, GeForce 7600 GT ~500 (linux) (with shadows ~450fps)