Downloads (linux)
The last relase of TA3D is 0.6.0. Only the code source is available for old Linux versions (no binaries), but recent versions have been packaged in our repositories (Ubuntu & Mandriva, both 32 and 64 bits OSes).
In order to build TA3D from source you will need : Minimum requirements: Installation: Old releases were not designed to be installed on your system so compilation and execution of the program must be done in its directory. ./configure make ./ta3d Since release 0.5.0, TA3D uses CMake to configure and build packages. You'll need CMake >= 2.6, then just run "cmake ./ && make && cpack ./" from the source directory and you'll get your DEB and RPM packages. You will also need *.hpi and/or *.ufo files which contain units and maps (from the original game, the demo or a mod, but you can find maps on fans websites). You can reuse the *.hpi files from the original game by using the ta3d (hpiview in older releases) executable after compilation. Use the command: ./ta3d path_to_totala3.hpi extract "install/totala1.hpi" The totala2.hpi file can be copied directly from CDrom. Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Those files can be extracted automatically from the CD with the install-sh script, or by typing ./ta3d install NB: TA3D is developed on Linux 64bits with a GeForce, then it's optimized for this hardware. Here are some tests with release 0.1.2/0.2.0: Frame rate is given with TA3D running with less than 10 units
we have some repositories for some common distributions: K/X/Ubuntu:
deb stable main You can download the newest source code from Github: git clone ta3d you can also access it through a web interface: Available stable releases: (only old packages, recent packages are available in the repositories) TA3D 0.6.0 (source) TA3D 0.5.4 (source) TA3D 0.5.1 (source) TA3D 0.5.0 (source) TA3D 0.4.2 (linux64) TA3D 0.4.2 (linux32) TA3D 0.4.2 (source) TA3D 0.4.1 TA3D 0.4.0 TA3D 0.3.2 TA3D 0.3.1 TA3D 0.3.0 TA3D 0.2.3 TA3D 0.2.2 TA3D 0.2.1 TA3D 0.2.0 |