First test results on TA3D

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First test results on TA3D

Post by Balthazar » Tue Dec 26, 2006 9:25 am

Test was made on WinXP SP2, .Net Framework 2.0, Ati 5500.

Well, Zuzuf, v.0.3.0. looke really cool and much much much more faster, than 0.2.3. I`ve found some bugs, listed next.

Suggestion: many people cant see Docs directory, maybe we should place help_en.html, help_fr.html in ta3d directory, then use ta3d/res/ for help files?

Pre-test results:
1. Error accuires if no maps found in TA3D directory
2. IMHO camera position is nice by default. (But we should add 1 more camera state - Locked, Free and new - default, for setting zoom to default view), because it`s hard to set the default view by mouse wheel
3. Strange bug. When clicking more than 1 time while selected Solar panel on "off" button - "on" button doesn`t fork. If click on off button more - 3 or 4 times - then "on" button begin to work. Still testing.
4. If factory ordered - move units to location - they blow up while building. If order canceled - then it`s ok.
5. Ships in shipyard trembling up and down while building.
6. Zuzuf, kill this yellow lines under the planes, or make it an option.
7. Don`t know why, but vechicle factory falts sometimes, close, and don`t build anything! Still testing.
8. Subs can`t hit targets, that are away from them more than sub-length.
9. There are lines on textures (polygon sides) of terrain, that far away from camera. Looks like it depends on rendering.
10. As Cire insist, and I think he is right - the default mode of TA3D should be Fullscreen! And maybe 800x600.
Fullscreen makes it looks much more professional, than strange small flying window :)

More testing will be done, but I suggest to fix major bugs before spreading current v.0.3.0. in TA community. Let`s call it beta-test of v.0.3.0.
Last edited by Balthazar on Tue Dec 26, 2006 2:15 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Post by Balthazar » Tue Dec 26, 2006 10:34 am

Further testing notice:

1. Main menu SHOULD be in inglish, Start, Options, Quit.
2. It would be nice to add E: +20 or E:+18 to Solar Panels and Wind Generators info near It`s health. I suggest reduce size of Energy, Metal, Health bars because of lacking free space for usefull info. Big bars - bad.
And change color - Matal - Gray, Energy yellow, or maybe red :).
Health - green on the red background.
3. Vechicle plant can close with unit inside of it. That`s the problem I`ve detected earlier. While closed with unit it don`t start building other one.
4. Mouse pointer sprite have some black dots on the side of sprite (I`ve noticed it from the first release, this can be easilly fixed by painting.) It`s noticeble on the white hackground.
5. Airplanes can land on the sea - should be able not ^_^
6. Construction ship animation doesn`t fit it`s building moves. Closing too early and build with closed roof.
7. Torpedo launcher don`t fire properly, short range, same as Subs.
8. Win Generator spins like really crasy sometimes, should be ajusted due to different wind strength.
9. We should think about in-game msg system - for errors like "building area is busy" or something like that (but I suppose in later versions).

Well, that`s all... Other working very smooth :) Good game!

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Post by zuzuf » Tue Dec 26, 2006 6:10 pm

As I said we'are doing lots of modifications to the code and we haven't tested it much. Switching to msvc is a HUGE change!! I didn't know .NET framework was needed to run a msvc express 2005 program :evil: .

I will fix what I can do now, but keep in mind that some bugs are consequences of the code not being finished (mostly unit's behavior) and some TA's systems not being fully understood, so it will take time to fix them.

TA3D default mode isn't full screen for now because we are debugging and testing it, it's not stable enough to set full screen as default mode. When it freezes or crash, you can better stop/kill TA3D if you're in windowed mode, if you want to play it full screen, just go in options menu ...

lines under planes are already an option, I wanted to deactivate it by default but I forgot :roll: .

on/off issues are due to misunderstanding the activation/deactivation system in TA, because it's done by scripts.
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Post by Balthazar » Tue Dec 26, 2006 6:39 pm

1. .NET framework isn`t needed to run MSVC programms, I`v ealready wrote about it in previous topic. You just have to make some changes in Linker options, so it should not be a problem.

2. I`ve noticed that rhere are troubles with unit texturing sometimes. Almost all of extern units are twxtured improperly (looks like wrong axis of texture allign). You can chek it yourself with this units

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