AI bug

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AI bug

Post by rick92 » Fri Jul 31, 2009 5:44 pm

Well, I downloaded the latest ta3d v0.5.4, and I noticed a bug on the AI. They don't attack each other. Not necessarily this, but I'll give an example.

I start a map with me (blue team) + 2 bots (red and white teams), no allies. It's everyone vs everyone. No matter what difficulty level I'm playing, After a few minutes of the match, the white team attacks the red team. The red team just defends himself, they do build assault units, towers etc, but the units just stand there waiting to be destroyed. While the white AI attacks the red AI, as the white team gets closer, the red team's tanks, robots and towers shoot, but the mobile units stand still, just shooting at them.

Obviously, as the red team's units shoots w/o moving, it is easily defeated by the white team. And then, the white units that were attacking the red base just stand there, they don't go back to white base or attack me. And then I can easily defeat'em because of that.

Another example. When I play with 3 or more bots, no allies also, a bot does attack me, but just one of them, and that bot, attacks only and exclusively me. The other 2 bots do nothing.

Hope it can be fixed soon. :)

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Re: AI bug

Post by Balthazar » Sat Aug 01, 2009 2:03 pm

Since 0.5.4. is quite an old versionm try the new one.

The latest version is 0.6.0. Alpha 14. You can download id from the Announcment forum section.

As far as I know, currently AI can attack each other, but I may be wrong.

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Re: AI bug

Post by zuzuf » Sat Aug 01, 2009 4:30 pm

The only changes in AI module since 0.5 branch is the possibility to use Lua scripts to control AI players instead of the native C AI which is pretty limited.

This AI behavior isn't clever, it's just scripted (it waits for its army to be bigger than the unit count of some player, then it decides to attack him) and the C AI don't even detect when he is attacked (that's why he won't react ...).

<subliminal>write a Lua AI for TA3D</subliminal> :D
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